Our instructorsAll School of Martial Arts instructors are highly qualified and experienced black belts. We have a passionate team, dedicated to teaching children, adults and seniors.
All Black Belt instructors and teachers maintain ongoing personal training, research and remain students of the Martial/Energy Arts. Master teachers Quintin and Carl Derham are nationally recognised for their contributions to Martial Arts in New Zealand and have taught thousands of people in our community. Quintin focuses on the overall direction of the school and specialises in the internal arts (Tai Chi, Qigong, Ba Gua and Hsing l). Carl is a 7th Degree Black belt and has held many fighting, breaking and weaponry national titles over two decades. Carl focuses on Kempo, Weaponry and Self-Defence. The two brothers complement each other's skills and personal interests and have developed into a world class combination of Martial Artists. Together they teach over 20 Black belt instructors each week, many of whom have been training for over 10 years with the brothers. School of Martial Arts Senior Instructors Sifu Lois Lingard 5th Degree Black Belt Kempo, Tai Chi & Children's programme Margaret Derham 5th Degree black belt Tai Chi & Seniors Tai Chi/Qigong Anton Whiteside 4th Degree Black Belt Shaolin Kempo & Ba Gua Zhang Rachel Derham 5th Degree Black Belt Tai Chi & Women's Qigong Terry Adams (USA - North Carolina) 3rd Degree Black Belt Tai Chi/Qigong Dave Hassell 5th Degree Black Belt Adult Kempo | Children's programme | H’Singi Chris Page 5th Degree Black Belt Adult Kempo | H’Singi Garry Douglass 5th Degree Black Belt Adult Kempo | H’Singi Alex Ruddell 3rd Degree Black Belt Adult Kempo | Children’s Kempo |