I hope you have enjoyed practising through the winter months and are looking forward to spring. The nature of Winter with its shorter days, cooler temperatures and how it effects our mood is coming to an end.
The spring changes from storing to growth and expansion. Through practising Martial & Energy Arts our bodies can attune and harmonise with the changing seasons, often bringing about better physical, mental & emotional health.
With Spring almost here, I'm pleased to announce I am ready to launch a new training course to enhance everyday practise away from class. Martial Arts is a way of life for me: a way to maintain my mental, emotional and physical health whilst remaining fit and confident that I can defend myself or my loved ones if required.
After 37 years of training and 30 years of teaching, I am still fascinated by what I learn and teach. The benefits people of all ages gain is immense and seeing people progress is what drives me each day.
However Over the last 30 years of teaching Martial Arts, I have seen many people struggle to learn and remember sequences of forms and become anxious about how to 'do' a form, set, combination or exercise. I want to change that NOW!
We often initially focus on the external physical movements and see progress as simply doing more individual forms until eventually completing a full sequence.
Longer sequences and sets (whole 'forms') found in all traditional Chinese Arts are indeed exciting, challenging and rewarding to learn, however what we must not lose sight of is the deeper applications and body mechanics contained more subtly within them.